Our Health and Well-being 
                                                                                           is an INVESTMENT, 
                                                                                                                                  NOT AN EXPENSE!
Nature's Pure Essence
Live Naturally

The Seasons of Cleanse

Discover a world dedicated to your well-being where simplicity meets serenity. Explore practical ways to enhance your life by seeking uplifting rest, embarking on a 14-day self-care journey, and creating better habits. Unlock the keys to emotional clarity and learn how to bring more balance into your daily routine. Dive in and transform your lifestyle naturally!

Take me there

Embrace ancient wisdom with our Seasonal Cleanse Series, starting in the fall. Release toxins and rejuvenate your body from the ground up. Join us on a journey to nurture a Healthy Wholesome Spirit, and discover comprehensive methods to purify and revitalize your well-being through each season.
Fall - Colon & Large Intestine - Digestion, Toxins, Parasites - Let's Clean It Up!
Winter - Urinary & Kidneys - 2nd Important Eliminator in the Body - Water In, Water Out!
Spring - Gall Bladder & Liver - Let's Clean and Filter Our Blood
Summer - Stomach & Spleen - The Finale of The Organs

Wellness & Wisdom Hub                                             Mindful Wellness
With each thought, action, meal and / or drink, 
you are presented with an opportunity:  

Welcome to a hub of holistic wellness! Dive into our free class on naturally enhancing your immune system and recognizing signs of weakness. Explore essential tips for outdoor adventures, DIY remedies, delicious oil-infused snacks, and fun kid-friendly activities. Learn how to reduce home toxicity with our checklist and practical tips for safer family choices. Embrace a healthier lifestyle today!

Dive deep into discovery of 


Unlock prosperity, peace, and well-being with insights and diverse methods for achieving holistic health. Overcome negativity, enhance cognitive function, and transform your mindset. Join us for a transformative journey focusing on mental and emotional balance, using powerful tools to help you release what no longer serves you. Step into all you were created to be and achieve abundance in your life today!

NingXia Red                                 NingXia Red Reset

Elevate your daily nutrition effortlessly with our super-fruit antioxidant drink and JOIN us on the monthly 2-week reset to reduce stress, boost energy, improve sleep, support respiratory health and so much MORE.

Enjoy recipes, meal plans, workouts, and community support for a revitalized you!
In our quest for holistic health, we comprehend the importance of nurturing our physical, mental, and financial well-being. It goes beyond using quality products – it also means addressing limiting beliefs that can hinder our progress, like financial concerns or age-related doubts. These beliefs can sabotage our goals, whether it us achieving a healthy body, a peaceful mind, or financial stability.

Over the past two decades I have dedicated myself to making a difference in people's lives. Today, that mission continues, as I work to turn my dreams into a reality and empower others along the way.

Together, we can make unimaginable possibilities a reality.


What would it feel like to follow YOUR dreams?

It took me a long while to find my dreams, to be settled in having a dream, for a dream to not feel selfish, embrace them as mine and not what someone dreamed for me.

Today, I support others on their dream journey, finding who they came here to be.


What Inspires you? 

YOU? A smile and laughter, the sun or moon, rain or snow, family and or friends, animals, sports, reading, drawing, ocean, or mountain? 

Looking deep within think of your Dream, where you pull Courage and find Harmony and you will begin... 

Living Life Inspired!


Being Courageous requires strength. 
Repeat over and over...

After mulling over repeatedly whether one should or should not, talking yourself into then out of something, it is time  to feel that inspiration and  link arms with faith and step out to be who you came here to be. 

It is scary, but it is rewarding!

What does Harmony look or feel like? 
BALANCE was my definition. When I am at peace within. 
One might ask
  “How do you achieve such a feeling?”
Time, Listening within and Practice brings life into Harmony, relishing Joy and Confidence along the way.

Our Health and Well-being is an INVESTMENT, 


 I am Linda! This cozy corner of the internet is where my passions for wellness and freedom bloom. My greatest joy? Sharing these gifts with loved ones and people like you who crave a life brimming with health and happiness.

Ever found yourself wondering about the real effects of everyday items like candles, perfumes, cleaning products, and personal care items, the food we eat, the process of our body, physically, emotionally, and mentally? If so, I salute your curiosity and cannot wait to embark on this journey with you! It is my goal to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to confidently take charge of your living spaces.

Are you ready to weave more joy, tranquility, and wellness into your life? Brew yourself a comforting cup of tea, and let's dive into this journey together. Click on More About Me, and then let’s get in touch to explore how we can support each other on this path to a vibrant, fulfilling life.