You have heard me talk about antioxidants quite a bit in this class.
But why?
Having an antioxidant-rich diet is REALLY good for your health. You could certainly eat a bunch of fruits and veggies that are high in antioxidants but sometimes it's hard to get the quantity you really need. Our busy schedules make this tough! Plus, you might have a picky eater on your hands. Any moms out there?
NingXia Red is insanely high in antioxidants. NingXia wolfberries are one of the fruits highest on the ORAC scale. The ORAC scale measures antioxidant levels. For more information about the ORAC scale, google it. Just 1-2 ounces a day of NingXia Red will give your body the antioxidants it needs. The best part is that kids beg for this stuff!
is tasty!
Here are a few fun ways to incorporate NingXia Red in the "dessert" world, which will REALLY get those kids (and adults!) interested.
NingXia Red Popsicles
1/2 banana
1/2 apple
1/2 cup frozen berries
1/2 cup spinach or other vegetable (optional)
6 oz of NingXia Red*
Blend all the ingredients; pour into popsicle molds.
I love dropping a few unblended berries into each mold to add some fun fruit texture to the popsicles.
Freeze until firm.
Can be substituted for 4 oz. NingXia Red and 2 oz. orange juice
PRO TIP: The easiest way to make a popsicle is to toss a NingXia Red packet into the freezer. Once frozen, cut the top off and eat it like a push-pop.
Another easy option is to take your favorite smoothie recipe, add your NingXia Red, and pour it into popsicle molds. These are fun activities to do with kids and they really enjoy this healthy dessert.