I was on the verge of self-destruction and had choices right in front of me for so many years, I choose to overlook them. I personally believe when we are ready, we will LEAP and GRASP what it is our heart is striving to embrace.
It took me 10 years to pursue massage therapy and become a Massage Practitioner. Life Coaching was my next step to pulling it all together.
I once was a wife, struggling to be me, raising children then becoming a grandmother, I realized through coaching others we often misplace who we are when we are engulfed in LIFE.
If there has been one difficult and long-term obstacle to overcome, it was seeking ME!
Do not mistake any of this as "I wish, I would have, could have", I know it was all in the right and perfect time!
My PASSION is to help those who are searching TO SEEK THEIR VISION, to be able to overcome those obstacles they continue to meet head on.
It is Exciting, Rewarding, and most of all Fulfilling for you, your soul and Everyone around YOU!
Embracing YOU, makes me giddy! I love when people realize, accept and THRIVE on who they are!